10 Signs It’s Time to See a Cardiologist

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Your heart is a strong muscle that beats over a million times per day. While the heart is intended to pump blood 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it still needs tender loving care. This is especially true when we consider our modern lifestyle, including sedentary lazy slobs, junk-food-fueled diets, and a lack of heart-healthy minerals. What is the result of our hectic lifestyle? Your heart is in danger of suffocating. Here are several signs that you should consult a cardiologist. But before that, read about what is a cardiologist in detail.

  • What is a cardiologist?

Most of us are often wondering about the exact answer to the question – what is the work of cardiologist? Cardiologists are doctors who specialize in treating heart problems. Cardiologist consultants can diagnose and treat coronary heart disease, heart failure, and other cardiovascular disorders. Humans have been compelled to labour harder and harder due to unprecedented developments in consumerism, high expectations, and never-ending demands. People who choose to work as cardiologists provide cardiologist treatment to such individuals.

  • Signs to see a cardiologist
  1. Chest Pain

Chest pain can lead to a heart attack, which can be fatal. Therefore you should see a cardiologist as soon as possible.

  1. Breathing Problems

While various circumstances might make you feel short of breath, persistent shortness of breath that increases overtime should not be ignored. This means that the heart isn’t pumping out enough oxygen, which causes abnormal heart function.

  1. You’ve diabetes.

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease are inextricably linked. Blood sugar control is crucial because it affects the function of your blood vessels and raises your risk of coronary heart disease. A cardiologist can help you determine which treatments or preventative measures are the most effective at lowering your risk.

  1. A Smoking Habit

Smoking impairs the function of the lungs, making it difficult for oxygen to travel through the bloodstream. This eventually causes your heart’s blood circulation to be disrupted, resulting in high blood pressure.

  1. You’ve previously had elevated cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver that can be present in many foods. High cholesterol levels can cause plaque buildup in the arteries.

  1. A family history of heart disease.

If you have a first-degree family who has the condition, you’re more likely to have it. Diabetes and high blood pressure, two prominent causes of heart disease, can be passed down through generations.

  1. You have chronic kidney disease.

Improper kidney function can cause a spike in blood pressure and blood sugar levels, leading to heart failure if you don’t consult a cardiologist very once.

  1. Leg Pains

Peripheral artery disease, which creates blockages in the legs, can produce leg aches, especially those associated with movement. In addition, it has a solid link to stroke and heart attack, and it can even result in limb amputation.

  1. You lead a sedentary lifestyle.

If you avoid the words ‘gym’ or ‘exercise’ in your life and live a very sedentary lifestyle, you may eventually get heart failure.

  1. If you start heavy work-out suddenly. 

Exercise provides numerous health benefits and is critical in preventing and treating heart disease. On the other side, certain heart conditions can make exercise risky, like suddenly starting heavy and demanding work-out.


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