Trending comfortable wear

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A type of dress that is a long garment used for a particular occasion may be in academics or as attire in court or office or profession is called a robe. It is modified into many styles like bathrobes,nighties, and nightgowns.

silk kimono robe makes feel so comfortable when worn. If it’s a bathrobe then make feel women more feminine look. It’s also the national dress of Japan. But the modern fashion industry has improvised it into many forms which can be worn comfortably according to the occasion.

Before choosing a fabric, one has to select one which is safe to wear and is of high quality. Modern fabrics thread is prepared from mulberrywhich protects skin from all allergies and when woven it gives an elegant cloth. It’s a breathable fabric.

  • How mulberry spins a silk

A series of fine strands of silver-grey silk is spun by mulberry silkworm which is called a filament. Their length willisapproximately one kilometer. These are used by the weaver to use fabric.

  • different occasions of wearing robes
  1. present day many have started to offer robes for guests to wear during night and morning. So many like to wear it because of its comfortably
  2. Many hotels offer robe
  3. Spas and resorts also offer according to the needs of the hour
  4. An attire in courts worn by barristers or judges
  5. Faculty and students wear for an occasion like convocation

Over the years many changes have been done to robes by manufacturers in different fashion,  colours, sizes, and fabrics.

  1. Terrycloth fabric
  • Tests are typically made of cotton and woven like a towel and soft to the touch and work as an absorbent to keep dry.It’s most helpful for little ones where water is absorbed easily making bath time easier.
  • A lightweightrobeis also comfortable to wear if one is planning to sip juice or sip wine.
  1. Velour
  • It’‘s elegant and feels luxurious. It’s also similar tovelvet and is lighter but durable. The material used for this is polyester.velvet is pile knit and less sumptuous. Robes made of velour lookbeautiful and are mostly used as night and morning dresses.
  1. Waffle weaving

It’s a type of weave that is made of warp and weft floats in varied lengths arranged in such a way that it’s around a plain weave centre. When it’s washed it contracts to form a texture resembling a waffle.Itabsorbs water and the robe made of this isreasonable in rates.


  1. Robes of bamboo blend

It’s made from the pulp of a bamboo plantwhich is available naturally and hasanti-bacterialproperties. Robes made of this fabric are safe.

  1. Robes of microfiber

It is manufactured from nylon and polypropylene which is synthetic fibres. Fabrics’ softness, toughness, absorption, and resistance are determined by the selection of fibres like their size and shape. Robes manufactured with this fabric are comfortable.

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