How to entertain your Children this school holidays

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With school holidays just around the corner, you and every other parent will be experiencing the same two emotions; excitement and fear. Excitement but school holidays mean extra time spent with your little ones away from homework and the pressures of school. The fear comes in, however, when you realise that the responsibility of filling their time falls to you. The good news is that in this post, you’ll find plenty of tips and tricks to keep your little one’s entertained during this upcoming school break!

Plan ahead

During the school holidays, everyone and their children will be hoping to do the same activities that you are! Few things can ruin a day out then turning up to an event or attraction and not being to able enjoy it. The trick is to jump the queue and book in advance if you can. Do research about events and attractions in your area, pick a day, mark it in the calendar and book. This gives you and the kids something to look forward to and helps you to avoid the last minute rush.

Watch the weather

When the weather is nice, planning activities is easy. Simply let your kids go outdoors, and they tend to take care of themselves. Rainy and cloudy days present more of a challenge, however, so it pays to have a few ideas up your sleeve. For example, there are some great free kid’s cartoons that are not only entertaining but educational too – making them a perfect way to entertain your children when the weather is less than friendly. Other ideas could be a board game, cards, and other simple activities.

Organise play dates

Spending time with friends outside of school is one of the best parts of school breaks. Before the holidays arrive, and people’s diaries fill, book some play dates for your children and their friends. If you can organise for them to go to a friend’s house, you’ll get the benefit of some time to yourself!


Now that you’ve read this guide, you’ll be more than ready to entertain your children this upcoming school holidays!

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