Safeguarding Data In The 21st Century: Highlighting The Importance Of The Personal Data Protection Act

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Living the fast life of the 21st century comes with many advantages and disadvantages. When life has become so convenient that you can stay connected with the entire world with your smartphone. However, we often share our personal information for several purposes, from social media to shopping online. These days, healthcare and grocery are also available with the help of the Internet.

Thus, in situations like this, we often end up sharing personal information about ourselves. These convince often come with accountability because data is the most valuable asset in this digital era. Therefore, it needs to be protected from destruction, deportation, and misuse. This is when the Personal Data Protection Act PDPA (pdpa คือ อะไร, which is a term in Thai) comes to the forefront to protect fellow people from personal data theft.

What Do You Mean By Personal Data?

The term personal data refers to the data that identifies the data owner. Whether that data directly disclose the data owner’s identity or indirectly, it will be considered their data. Personal data comprises various things, from a person’s surname to his religious and social background. Furthermore, it encircles financial and medical information. Unauthorised access to their party’s data is considered an illegal act.

What Do You Mean By The Personal Data Protection Act?

The Personal Data Protection Act popularly known as PDPA, is an authoritative act that is specially designed to prevent the violation of data. Personal Data comprises name, address, financial statements, and other important documents. Therefore, PDPA protects your information from being stored or used without your prior consent. The Personal Data Protection Act was enforced on June 1st, 2022, with the main goal of preventing unknown data stealing.

What Are The Benefits Of The Personal Data Protection Act?

The benefits of the Personal Data Protection Act for fellow citizens are as follows.

  • Protection of your privacy: The PDPA law advocates the importance of protecting an individual’s personal and safeguarding it from non-consensual use. It emphasises taking concern of the individual before any organisation makes unauthorised access to their data and information.
  • Data security: The PDPA Act emphasises safeguarding personal data from unauthoritative access. It stresses organisations to implement constructive rules and regulations to prevent illegal data theft. It also prevents destruction, alteration, and unauthorised access to personal
  • Transparent approach: transparency is the main objective of implementing PDPA; the main aim is to inform your customers and your users about the reason behind the collection of personal information and other important data. Organisations should have a clear and transparent relationship with their consumers.


In conclusion, enforcing the Personal Data Protection Act is a crucial step towards protecting individual data and personal information from authoritative access. Imposing strict rules on responsible data transactions creates a positive for accountable data transaction practices. But it is also a reliable environment to maintain your privacy. As citizens, it is important to be aware of your rights and enjoy them while functioning under a regulatory body.

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